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Computer Processor | Computer Science homework help

  1. A memory hierarchy contains a single cache with a miss rate of 2% that holds both instructions and data. The miss penalty to access main memory is 100 cycles. 15% of the instructions are jumps, 20% are stores, 20% are loads (30% have values used in the next instruction), 10% are branches (taken 20% of the time), and 35% are ALU instructions. Jumps and branches are determined in the ID stage. What is the base CPI, and what is the effective CPI?
  2. How are local declarations stored in computer memory? Are there any reasons to avoid using local declarations if it is possible to achieve the same result without them? If reference parameters can be used in any function, why use value parameters at all? How are value parameters useful in processing data in a program?
  3. In processor architecture, the way prediction accuracy is 80%.
  4. What is the average memory access time by applying way prediction?
  5. What is the short-term memory of a computer called?
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