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Computer Architecture | Computer Science homework help

  • Consider two different implementations, M1 and M2, of the same instruction set. There are three classes of instructions (A, B, and C) in the instruction set. M1 has a clock rate of 60MHz and M2 has a clock rate of 80MHz. The average number of cycles of each instruction class and their frequencies (for a typical program) are as follows:
Instruction Class M1-cycles/instruction class M2-cycles/instruction class Frequency
A 1 2 50%
B 2 3 20%
C 3 4 30%
  1. Calculate the average CPI for each machine, M1 and M2.
  2. Calculate the CPU execution time of M1 and M2.
  • Assume that there are 3 different types of instructions in a program. 70% of the instructions have a CPI of 1, 20% of the instructions have a CPI of 2 and the remainder have a CPI of 4.

What is the average CPI for this program?

  • What is true about the register file?
  1. Registers are read only if RegWrite is 0.
  2. Registers are read only if RegWrite is 1.
  3. Registers are always read, but the results may not be used.
  4. Registers are read only if required for the instruction.
  • In what stage is the control Jump used?
  1. IF
  2. ID
  3. EX
  4. MEM
  5. WB



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