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Compare health service organizations and delivery structures, functions, and professionals | Health & Medical homework help

Using the attached template, develop an outline of your research for Program Objectives 4-6. This outline template is used to help you see connections between your topic, and the program objectives.

This is not a traditional outline format. You should use paragraph-style writing. Ensure you are writing in third person (scholarly tone). This will allow you to build your rough draft out of this outline. Consider this the foundation and cornerstones of your rough draft.

IMPORTANT: Before completing this outline, carefully review instructor feedback from the Unit 3 assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about the feedback provided.

Health Care Administration Program Objectives 4-6

PO4. Identify unique characteristics of law and ethics in health services. PO5. Apply management skills to leadership concepts. PO6. Compare health service organizations and delivery structures, functions, and professionals.

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