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Company xyz needs a program to



Company XYZ needs a program to build a database concerning employee information. The program should do the following:
Ask the employee for their name and number of dependents claimed for tax purposes.
Display a message to verify the number of tax deductions. (this will be one more than the number of dependents entered.)
Let employees select whether they want personal health insurance or family health insurance.
Display a message to verify the selection and tell each employee the cost of the selection.
Let employees select whether they want to deduct union dues from their paycheck.
Display a message to verify the selection and tell each employee the cost of the selection.
Show the OOD solution of this problem.
Step 1 Identify all nouns
Step 2 Identify class(es)
Step 3 Identify data members for each of the classes
Step 4 Identify operations for each of the objects (classes)

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