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Commercial and personal cloud service providers | Information Systems homework help

  1. What are the differences between commercial and personal cloud service providers? Address data storage, security, and data management and security tools.
  2. List some cloud services providers. Evaluate these providers for both commercial and personal use. Identify how data is stored in their respective clouds. How is data security handled? What tools are offered to manage and handle data issues? Give a recommendation on the provider you would choose.
  3. The computer world is a dangerous place. We have reviewed BIA, BCP, DRP, and CIRT. All of these planning tools are used to mitigate risk. Some of these processes overlap, and in some cases, they are subparts of the larger plan. Explain for the following events, which planning tool would be the best one to address the event and minimize the risk in the future:

a.The intrusion to the Epsilon email address database

b.Tsunami in Northeastern Japan

c.Disruption of Amazon Cloud Servers

d.Hacking into SONY databases

e.Physical Intrusion of SEALS into Pakistan hideout

  1. Con Ed brownouts over this coming summer months

You are considering using cloud storage as your primary system for saving your data. What advantages does this storage media have over using you system’s hard drive or some external media (external hard drive, flash drive, R/W disks) for storing your data?

  1. The data is more secure in cloud storage than on your own storage devices.
  2. The cloud storage provider ensures that you have a backup of your data.
  3. You can always get your data from anywhere.
  4. Cloud storage is definitely less expensive than the cost of hard drive or external devices.
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