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Civil lawsuits | Information Systems homework help

In chapter 1 of the textbook, (Schreider), the author listed a number of famous cybercrimes from the perspective of how the perpetrators were punished. Pick one of these, or another that interests you, research it, and write a paper on it. (Do not pick the Bangladesh Bank Heist of 2016 which we are covering in Module 2.) Take the perspective of cyber leadership, focusing on what happened, what laws pertain, and how leaders could have prevented the losses, giving examples.

In the first section, give the details of the case with considerable depth. Cover the “5Ws,” and anything else that provides context on the facts of the incident. In your second section, explain what laws pertain to the case and how the laws were applied, both criminally and civilly. If a criminal was caught and prosecuted under criminal laws, explain that, but also discuss any civil lawsuits that resulted. Your last section should answer the question of what you could have done, if you were the leader in this case, to prevent the crime and losses to your organization, especially, from civil litigation.

The length of the paper is not specified; you will be graded on how thoroughly you treat each section of the assignment and for the quality of your writing. Your paper must be in APA, 7th Edition and include title and reference pages. You should include multiple sources and they should be peer-reviewed papers or articles from reputable publications (i.e. no marketing pamphlets). Cite all sources including graphs, charts, and pictorials. For APA and Standard Paper Assigment Guidelines, see the Course Resources link in the left navigation panel.

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