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Child’s development | Psychology homework help

1. Describe the primary roles that family, culture, and society play in a child’s development.
2. Describe common types of family structures and their implications for educators.
3. Define key elements of family interaction and how schools can partner effectively with families.
Respond to the Discussion Board thread and to a classmate’s post.
Chapter 4:
1. Look at Table 4.1 on page 119. Which of these disorders have you personally observed in children? What did you notice? If you do not have any experience with children that have these disorders select three and describe their frequency and characteristics.
2. On page 121, the authors describe how teachers can acknowledge nature vs. nurture in a child’s life. Select the recommendation that you feel would be most beneficial to your as a teacher and describe in your own words why that particular recommendation resonates with you.
3. Describe five substances that could impact the growth of a healthy fetus.

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