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Child and adolescent development issues | Psychology homework help


What will you do as a teacher to recognize strengths in your students?

How should you ensure that research you conduct with your students is reliable and valid? Discuss some research topics that lend themselves better to interviews, tests, questionnaires, and observation.

In your opinion, which contemporary child and adolescent development issues would greatly benefit from a longitudinal and/or cross-sectional research design?

A child’s parents are bitter enemies. You want to schedule a parent-teacher conference. What should you do?

Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy has been shown to be detrimental to the unborn child. Using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, what are some of the challenges in supporting and treating pregnant substance abusers?

How does gender influence motor skill development?

A parent is irate that his or her infant daughter keeps dropping her spoon on the floor at a restaurant. How might Piaget have interpreted the infant’s behavior?

According to Vygotsky, what purpose does arguing serve for children?

What skills have you learned to a level of automaticity?

What are some techniques teachers could use to capture and maintain the attention of students in different grades, such as first grade, fifth grade, and ninth grade?

How might your classroom environment be influenced by having a student with ADHD in your class?

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