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Case Study: The Case of Mary | Human Resource Management homework help

 Mary is 42 years old, poor, periodically homeless, and often can be found delusional and talking to herself. When she has had a place to live, she has been placed on antipsychotic medication from the local mental health center. She reports that the medication helped her considerably. She talks about “needing to talk to someone” because of her “depression and crazy thoughts” and would like to try to eventually get a job. She says she has two children who live with her former boyfriend, but does not want to see them in her current state. However, she yearns to see her children again and realizes that if she were to do so, she would need to better her current situation. She is hoping that someone can help her with her depression and her “crazy thoughts” and believes that if she could get some help, she could eventually get a job and a new home. This, she states, would allow her to feel good enough to see her children.

List the personality characteristics you believe the effective counselor should embody

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