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Case study | Communications homework help


Next, answer these questions using information in the case study:

1. Why was government, at all levels, unsuccessful in responding to Hurricane Katrina?

2. Why was Wal-Mart successful in responding to Hurricane Katrina?

3. Identify three concepts/sentences from either the Sensemaking portion of our textbook (pgs. 94-98) and/or from my lecture/PowerPoint to explain the successes or failures described above.

Type your responses in complete sentences; you can either write in essay form or use the three guiding questions as a list. Important: for the third question, please indicate where you got the information, e.g. (textbook) or (lecture). So, your response to question 3, would look like this:

“Wal-Mart success can be attributed to their use of “course concept” (Richardson lecture, 2023). This concept refers to how organizations blah, blah. This is exactly what Wal-Mart did when they blah blah. The government’s failure can be explained by this sentence “Organizations must respond to crises in a blah blah” (Sellnow & Seeger, 2021). However, the government did just the opposite … blah blah.”

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