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Branding moment | Business homework help

Pertaining to your brand and keeping the readings for this week in mind, please research one event/branding moment/fashion show/collection/social media campaign/etc. that meant something to you in the past few months (must be in the past 3/4 months).

? Please share a link or a photo and explain why this particular fashion moment was meaningful to YOU.

The brand I\’m assigned in is Zara

Requirements: 1-2 paragraphs

I\’m fashion management masters student

This course is system and strategies

the brand we\’re assigned to is zara

I found this article https://uk.fashionnetwork.com/news/Inditex-to-launch-zara-s-second-hand-platform-in-spain-in-2023,1519280.html#tory-burch

I would like to talk about how Zara is trying to recycle in way and deciding to expand their second hand platform

Pertaining to your brand and keeping the readings for this week in mind, please research one event/branding moment/fashion show/collection/social media campaign/etc. that meant something to you in the past few months (must be in the past 3/4 months).

This question is about Zara Please write 1 or 2 paragraphs and include an image

Please share a link or a photo and explain why this particular fashion moment was meaningful to YOU.

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