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Beyond Breaking News | Mass communication homework help

Beyond Breaking News NEW
Resources: Ch. 7 & 8 of Reaching Audiences
Submit a summary discussing the advantages and challenges of researching and producing online content for your project topic. Include the challenges of audience participation.
Explain how your topic might be different when delivered either through a newspaper or on the Internet, and how it might be different as a breaking news story, a news feature, or a blog entry.
You may deliver this assignment in any of the following formats:
• A presentation consisting of 4 to 7 slides
• A 3- to 4-minute audio podcast
• A blog entry of 350 to 700 words
Note. If you choose to submit a blog entry, you may set one up on PhoenixConnect by clicking on your student profile and navigating to the Content tab. Once there, click on Write a blog post under the Actions column on the right-hand part of your screen.
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