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Becoming an educator | Education homework help

Discussion 1 NEW

It is important to know why you are preparing to perform a task, prior to actually beginning the task. Simon Sinek wrote a book, Start With Why in which he establishes that those who want to inspire others or want to find someone to inspire them to reach for their very besthave to begin with an understanding of the why that drives them.

Please assess Why you want to become an educator and explain in detail who or what influenced you to begin this journey.

Guided Response:Consider and respond to the ideas shared in at least two of your classmates posts. Provide additional ideas, agreements or questions about what they shared in their response. In addition to your two classmate responses, be sure to In addition to your two classmate responses, be sure to respond to any questions or comments posted by your instructor.

You can use theWriting a Good Discussion Board Postdocument to help create your responses.

Carefully review theDiscussion Forum Grading Rubricfor the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

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