Analyze the banks performance and write an analyst report .
(please do) to include charts, figures and analyze ratios other than those in the worksheet – peer group comparison are welcome.
In the old days – examiners used BOPEC ratings very similar to CAMELS.
eg see
In 2005, the BHC ratings systems was changed — for example see
Using some of these metrics to analyze your banks performance will be helpful
Pages-4 to 5 pages single spaced, Times new roman size 12
Include necessary graphs/tables
Files include: Case Requirements(things to include), Analyze the main 10 ratios on the excel screenshot provided for Barclays (it has comparisons to peer average, percentile and last year for each ratio) and I have attached the Barclays BHC report as well for other ratios you think are important to include but the 10 main ones are priority