2 Application of Rule of Law to Case Studies
2.5 – Case Study Analysis: Tortious Interference
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Tortious Interference
Tortious Interference is the act of intentionally interfering with someone’s business. Intentional interference may directly interfere with a business deal, interfere with day-to-day operations, or spread false claims about the business. Tortious interference with a contract happens when a person, not a party to an original contract, somehow influences one of the contracting parties to breach their contractual duty. This situation is only applicable where there is a written contract between two or more parties. Tortious Interference exists where there is an intrusion into the contractual relationship between two other parties that is so egregious as to allow the harmed party to file a civil lawsuit under a “Tort” claim. Tortious Interference is a civil matter handled by the civil courts.
Tortious Interference is all about intent. If a person appears to interfere but does not intend to cause harm, there are no grounds to sue for Tortious Interference. However, if a person intentionally interferes with a third-party business operation, the interferer is guilty of tortious interference. The case in the next section is critical to your understanding of analyzing Tortious Interference issues and will assist in your completion of the IRAC Assignment.
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Tortious Interference with a Contract
Tortious Interference with a contract happens when a third party influences one of the parties to a contract to breach the contract. Tortious Interference only applies when a written contract between two or more parties is interfered with by a non-party to the contract.
Study the following two cases that demonstrate how courts analyze Tortious Interference. The two cases should be incorporated in your analysis of the case study assignment. Failure to do so will impact your grade. The below cases are useful examples and provide critical language that analyzes and applies the Tortious Interference Rule of Law:
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Moonshine Coffeehouse Inc. and Aromatic Farms have a longstanding exclusive contract to produce and deliver their “Triple-A” moonshine-infused coffee beans.
The Moonshine Coffeehouse Inc. and Aromatic Farms contract requires delivery of all beans foreign and domestic produced on Aromatic Farms to Moonshine’s distribution warehouses for processing and redelivery to Moonshines Coffeehouses. The parties agree that the price per pallet will be $3000 with a guarantee of 4,000 pallets minimum. MJGreen House, Inc., a competitor of Aromatic, approaches Moonshine and informs Moonshine that Aromatic is undercutting Moonshine by withholding 10% of Aromatic’s worldwide coffee bean production for sale to Moonshine’s competitor coffeehouse Star Tracks Inc. for $2000 per pallet.
As a result of this information, Moonshine Coffeehouse Inc. cancels the Aromatic contract refusing to purchase any additional pallets from Aromatic. Moonshine Coffeehouse Inc. enters into a new agreement with MJGreen House, Inc., agreeing to purchase the exact quantities of beans from MJGreen House, Inc.
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An IRAC Analysis of the Tortious Interference Case Study, incorporating the ten (10) questions in your RAC Issues analysis.