This quiz is a series of questions that are based on the case study below. Be sure to read all the information below and the grading rubric to understand how I will grade you on your questions. Each question will be answered in an essay format. Be sure to provide statements backed by examples and cite references from your textbook. You may use a simple method for citing a reference. Here is an example: After the quote, put the following, (Marotz 9th edition, page 5-7).
Based on your understanding of the information in the textbook, read the following scenario and respond to each question using an essay format. Be sure to carefully read each question and include all aspects in your answer.
Case Study Scenario
Tyler is 4 years old and fearless. As he speeds his way through the bike track at school he tumbles over and gets hurt. The teacher couldn’t get to Tyler in time.
Things to think about: Discuss the various ways Tyler may be impacted in his growth and development as a result of this accident. Look at this situation from many angles. The case study scenario I present doesn’t tell you everything that happened, but imagine what could happen to Tyler as a result of this accident. What don’t we know about Tyler and his family that might help us understand what happened?
Important Pic.pngDo not tell me Tyler is young and will be just fine, or that he will be “scarred for life” and will have “trust issues” because no one was there to stop him from falling. This answer is too simplistic and leaves out the other many possible ramifications from this accident, including the role teachers, parents and society may play in the long and short term results of this accident. The point of this assignment is to get you to think about the possibilities that COULD happen and how it may impact health, safety and nutrition. Teachers need to think beyond the obvious.
Before writing your answer, read the Grading Rubric. Use the criteria in the Grading Rubric. Each essay question addresses health, safety and nutrition with points for including references from the textbook.
Emogie Idea Pic.png Remember the emphasis throughout Chapter 1 and in the PowerPoint, is the Interrelationship of health, safety and nutrition. Think about possible environments where Tyler may live and his access to resources within his community that may affect him positively, or negatively. Again, do not focus on his emotional response to the accident. I want you to think more broadly than that.
This assignment is worth 25 points.