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Action research study report – analyze & write


will analyze a quantitative research study. To complete this analysis, you will use the Week 7 Template: Action Research Study Report [DOC] document to respond to a series of prompts and questions aimed at four different parts of the research study:

  • Introduction.
  • Methodology.
  • Results.
  • Discussion/Conclusion.

This assignment will give you practice reading, comprehending, and analyzing a very sophisticated, peer-reviewed action research article. This skill set will serve you well as you begin the process of acquiring, reading, and comprehending quantitative literature related to your intended proposed applied improvement project (AIP). Even if you do not have a clearly defined problem of practice, you probably have an idea of the general area in which your AIP will investigate. There is no time like the present to begin developing your annotated bibliography because you must become completely knowledgeable about the literature surrounding your topic in order to develop an empirically sound AIP. Your goal should be to achieve “theoretical saturation” with the literature in your field. This means that any new article you encounter reflects another article or idea with which you are already familiar, which will provide a solid basis for developing your project.


The following research article provides an example of how quantitative research methods can be applied to understanding structural relationships between human capital investments and long-term organizational outcomes. Read the article carefully and review the Creswell and Creswell text, the Pyrczak and Oh text, and other course resources and materials as necessary: 

Once you have read and made notes on the article, complete the template (linked above) to help you analyze the article. Address all prompts in the document and answer all questions. Include a list of properly-formatted references at the end.   the Article, Template and Annotated Template are attached

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