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Accounting | Business & Finance homework help


Value – 25% of the final grade for the course

The purpose of this assignment is to build a basic operational budget for a new project.
Examples that you can use include a new Primary Care Practice, Outpatient Treatment Center,
Physical Therapy Practice, Public Health Program (mobile screening unit, added services on
site) or another type of healthcare program in an organization that you are familiar with
professionally. Please see the Budget Worksheet and Table samples available in Blackboard
noting that additional budget categories can be added or deleted as needed. The basic
categories listed below should be present in your budget.
The budget table should be 1-2 pages long. The budget narrative is a written description
justifying spending for each category. Using a new mobile screening unit as an example,
describe the services offered in 1-3 paragraphs as the introduction, then discuss how many
people would be needed to operate it, what are their skills and qualifications, and what salaries
or wages are needed to support them (based on market conditions). Depending on the number
of personnel, plan on writing one paragraph per position. Next, follow with a description of the
benefits (general statement- health, dental, vision? It may be helpful to use your current
benefits as a starting point). Continue through the budget categories describing each category.
The paper should be 5-6 pages in length to a maximum of 6 pages not including title page,
references, or appendices; and should follow APA Manual 7 th Ed. scholarly writing guidelines.
Marking Criteria Maximum


 Completed a budget worksheet/table and justification for each
category including (minimum categories required): (12 pt)
o Salaries & Wages (Personnel)
o Benefits
o Supplies
o Utilities
o Space Related Costs (rents, maintenance, overhead,
costs not accounted for elsewhere)
o Purchased Professional Services (Consultants:
Accountant, Legal, other)
o Equipment Related Expenses
o Other Costs

 Funding/Operating Revenue (3 pt)



o Source of funds (grants, private pay, insurance) and
projected revenue

 Used appropriate sources to inform assignment. (1 pt)
 Provided clear and focused budget and narrative. (1 pt)
 Organized paper in a clear and systematic manner using the
budget worksheet categories as headings (1 pt)
 Included sub-totals and totals in budget worksheet/table where
appropriate (1 pt)
 Followed all assignment directions (1 pt)


Presentation Style
 Assignment was written in a scholarly format with title page,
appropriate sentences, paragraphs, and headings. (1 pt)
 Included an effective introduction and conclusion. (1 pt)
 Adhered to APA Manual 7 th Ed. scholarly writing guidelines. (1
 Work was free of grammatical and typographical errors. (1 pt)
 Length of presentation did not exceed 6 pages not including title,
references, or appendices. (1 pt)



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