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Accounting | Accounting homework help

In 2012 Entergy paid a regular quarterly dividend of $.83 per share.
a. Match each of the following dates.
(A1) January 27 …………….. (B1) Record date
(A2) February 6 …………….. (B2) Payment date
(A3) February 7 …………….. (B3) Ex-dividend date
(A4) February 9 …………….. (B4) Last with-dividend date
(A5) March 1 ……………….. (B5) Declaration date
b. On one of these dates, the stock price fell by about $.83. Which date? Why?
c. Entergy’s stock price in February 2012 was $68. What was the dividend yield?
d. Entergy forecasted earnings per share of about $6 for 2012. What was the payout ratio?
e. Suppose that Entergy paid a 10% stock dividend. What would happen to the stock price?

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