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Accounting | Accounting homework help

  1. What role do accountants play in today’s information-intensive organizations?
  2. Why do accountants have to divide the life of the entity into periods? Explain.
  3. Employees of a firm who perform managerial accounting functions are often referred to as: a. Financial Accountants b. Cost Accountants c. Budget Specialists
  4. What motivates good management accounting? Explain.
  5. Describe at least four reasons a company would use a performance evaluation system.
  6. Managerial accounting reports are special-purpose and issued as frequently as needed. True or false?
  7. According to the managerial efficiency theory of profit, above-normal profits can arise because of high-quality managerial skills. a. True. b. False.
  8. In the fund financial statements, enterprise funds must be presented using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. a. True. b. False.
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