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Accounting | Accounting homework help

A farmer in Georgia must decide which crop to plant next year on his land: corn, peanuts, or soybeans. The return from each crop will be determined by whether a new trade bill with Russia passes the Senate. The profit the farmer will realize from each crop, given the two possible results on the trade bill, is shown in the following payoff table:

Crop Trade Bill Pass Trade Bill Fail
Corn $42,000 $10,000
Peanuts 31,000 23,000
Soybeans 25,000 24,000

Based on the maximum criterion, the farmer should select _____ as the best crop to plant because it yields the maximum of the minimum payoffs equal to _____.

a) corn; $45,000

b) soybeans; $23,000

c) peanuts; $25,500

d) soybeans; $27,000

e) none of the above

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