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A discussion post | English homework help

Read the excerpt from A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (at left under “Readings & Handouts” > “Readings” > “Non-fiction”). Then respond to the reading in a paragraph of at least 200 words. Choose one feature of the writing to focus on in your response (such as use of details, style techniques, wording or punctuation choices, etc; see the “discussion board directions” handout for more ideas). Consider why the writer made the choices that you see here: what might they have been trying to achieve? Use examples from the text to support your observations.

For full credit, please do the following:

  • Write at least 200 words and include the word count in your post (Pro tip: use the word count feature in Word or Google Docs).
  • Focus on one aspect of the writing and what you think the author was trying to achieve.
  • Avoid summarizing or making general comments about the reading; instead, analyze how the writing works.
  • Edit your work for clarity. Use quotation marks around any quotes borrowed from the text.
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