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A cloud-provider’s data center is still at risk from natural disasters | Information Systems homework help

Read about the advantages and disadvantages of using a cloud-based provider.  Additionally, read about common security threats to cloud-based environments.

Your task this week is to write a research paper that defends the following statements and provide one real-world example for each statement:

  • A difficult security threat to mitigate is a malicious employee.
  • A cloud-provider’s data center is still at risk from natural disasters such as floods, fire, and earthquakes.

Research Paper Requirements:

  • The paper should be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Use Times New Roman, size 12 font throughout the paper.
  • Apply APA 7th edition style and include three major sections: the Title Page, Main Body, and References. See the Paper Elements and Format section of your APA manual for details.
  • A minimum of two scholarly journal articles (besides your textbook) are required. See UC Library Tutorials.
  • Writing should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the materials and address all required elements.
  • Writing should use exceptional language that skillfully communicates meaning to the readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free.
  • Save as a Word document.
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