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6 discussion questions minimum 200 words each



Read the Share Our Wealth information by Huey Long. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following items:

· What were the most radical aspects of Long’s plan? 

· Did any of his ideas become reality?

· Upon whose law did Long base his ideas?

· Do you think this assertion increased or diminished support for his ideas?

· What did Long predict would be the consequences if the nation failed to adopt a program such as his?


Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:

· What role did race play in the fundamentalist orientation of conservative Americans in the 1920s?


Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:

· How did leading voices on the left criticize the limitations of the New Deal?

· How did Franklin D. Roosevelt change the meaning of liberalism during his presidency?


Read the Transcript of the Roosevelt-Molotov Meeting. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following items:

· Why does Molotov believe a “second front” should be opened in 1942?

· If such a front is opened, what does Molotov predict?

· If such a front is not opened, what does he fear might occur?

· Given that the second front in France was not opened until June 1944, what do you think the effect of that delay may have had on the longer-term U.S.–Soviet relations?


Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:

· How did women’s lives change during World War II?


Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:

Why did World War II spur the growth of the civil rights movement? 

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