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546a6 | Information Systems homework help

two reports/ two different documents

800 words report to IT manager

Case Project 8-2: Detecting Unauthorized Applications

In conducting a review of the Oss running on the Alexander Rocco network, you detect a program that appears to be unauthorized. No one in the department knows how this program got on the Linux computer. The department manager thinks the program was installed before his start date three years ago. When you review the program’s source code, you discover that it contains a buffer overflow vulnerability. Based on this information, write a report to the IT manager stating what course of action should be taken and listing recommendations for management.

Case Project 9-1: Protecting Embedded OSs on the Alexander Rocco Network After performing enumeration tests, you discover that the network consists of 5 systems running Windows 10 IoT, 2 systems running Windows server 2008 R2 for Embedded Systems, 23 systems running Jetdirect, and 5 network applications running embedded Linux.

Based on this information, write a one page memo to bob Jones, the IT manager, outlining some suggestions on possible weaknesses or vulnerabilities in these systems. The memo should include recommendations to reduce the risk of network attacks and cite specific CVE entries ( Check www.mitre.org).

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