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2 part assignment | English homework help

 Part I
Choose three varieties of media that are designed for and aimed at children or teens. These could be TV shows, films, songs, websites, magazines, books, games, comics–anything that is produced specifically for a child or adolescent audience. Create a short media journal based upon your engagement with these media that will be turned in as part of this midterm assignment. Your journal should include:

  • A description of the media
  • Where you found it/where it is offered
  • Its target audience (age, gender, etc.)
  • How long you spent using it (for example, the run-time of a TV show, or the amount of time you spent playing a game)
  • Any rating or disclaimer associated with it
  • Anything else of note you think should be included in the journal

Part II

Using the media journal you’ve created, please write a short (about 3 pages) essay in which you discuss how the intended audiences of these media would be likely to respond to them. You should reference the information in Chapter 1 of your book that talks about cognitive and socio-emotional development, as well as any other sources you find helpful. Be sure to cite your sources (the text, your class notes, any outside sources you use) clearly. In addition, you must also choose at least one of the following topics to highlight in your discussion: representation, advertising/children as consumers, educational content, prosocial messages, or the effects of princess and superhero media. Material to support any of these topics is available in your text, your class notes, and the readings listed in Blackboard.


  • Cite your sources using in-text citations and a separate reference list formatted according to APA guidelines
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