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2 | Management homework help

After reading chapter 3 and chapter 4 from the attached text book answer the below questions. Minimum two pages.  

  1. The culture of the organization can impact the effectiveness of different project management structures. Organizational cultures that do not encourage teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional integration need a stronger project management structure (i.e., project team, project matrix) to be successful. Conversely, a functional matrix can be effective in an organization in which the culture of the organization is conducive to project management.
  2. You work for LL Company, which manufactures high-end optical scopes for hunting rifles. LL Company has been the market leader for the past 20 years and has decided to diversify by applying its technology to develop a top-quality binocular. What kind of project management structure would you recommend they use for this project? What information would you like to have to make this recommendation, and why?
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